Regular board meetings for the entire calendar year are scheduled during the first meeting in January. Meetings may be rescheduled or added as necessary; these are called Special meetings. Board meeting dates, times and locations can be found on the District website or app.
Every citizen is entitled to attend meetings, but only the Board Members may take part in deliberations. The public is encouraged to listen, observe and comment when appropriate. The Board wants to give everyone the opportunity to be heard in an orderly manner during public participation.
How Board Meetings are Run
The Board President runs meetings according to a modified form of Roberts Rules of Order. Board members may ask questions for clarification or an explanation of the facts. They may wish to discuss the issues, debate or share opinions and ideas.
The board agenda is available before each board meeting and can be viewed
here. Typical items on the agenda include:
Consent Agenda Items consist of routine items such as previous board minutes, routine personnel actions and routine financial transactions. Typically, there is little or no discussion on these items.
Action Items are addressed individually by the Board and may include reports from district administrators.
Reports are presented for the Board’s information and require no formal action.
Public Participation is the time set aside near the beginning and end of regular Board meetings that allows for the Board of Education to hear comments from the public. The agenda notes two times for public participation - (1) topics on the agenda and (2) topics not on the agenda. Anyone who wishes to speak during public participation is asked to sign in for the official record. Comments are limited to three minutes per speaker. This is a time for the speaker to address the Board. The Board does not participate in debate during public participation but may have clarifying questions.
Executive Session may take place during a Board meeting. Ohio's Sunshine Law requires that all acts and deliberations of Boards of Education be conducted in public meetings. The exception is called Executive Session, where Board Members confer privately. No action of any kind can be taken during executive session. Topics which may be discussed include: personnel matters, property purchase for public purposes, pending or imminent court action, negotiations with employees, matters to be kept confidential by federal or state statutes and specialized details of security arrangements.
Duties of the Board
The Board of Education is primarily the legislative body of the school district. In its role as a policy maker, the Board interprets needs, adopts policies, provides for personnel to carry out policies, and approves activities, techniques, and the ways and means for providing financing for adopted policies. The Board also employs and evaluates the Superintendent and Treasurer.
Board Policies
Our Board Policies are available