A written plan or agreement between the students, parents, and the Sylvania Secondary Director of Teaching and Learning and a Memo of Understanding with off-site program providers. The teacher of record must meet Ohio Department of Education certification requirements.
Grades will be reported to the guidance office and will be recorded on the student’s report card and transcript.
All credit flex classes must be added and dropped within the same timelines of dropping and adding other classes as stated in the Program of Studies, otherwise the student will receive an F for the class if work is not completed.
How to Apply for a Credit Flexibility Program:
Students must complete proposals for the following school year and return them to the district’s Curriculum Office by March 31st.
Students will be notified of the status of the proposal after evaluation by the Secondary Director of Teaching and Learning.
Students are responsible for completing all assignments agreed upon in the Plan for Assessment in order to receive a grade and credit.