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Parents Right to Know FAQ

Parent Right To Know/Title Funding Frequently Asked Questions

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which replaced the No Child Left Behind Act, asks Ohio to clearly articulate its plans for using federal funds to ensure accountability for all students, create safe and supportive learning environments, encourage innovation and extend learning opportunities.  

What Is a School-wide Title I Program?

Schools with at least 40% low income families or schools that are approved by the state of Ohio can develop a schoolwide Title 1 Plan.  The purpose of a school-wide program is to raise the entire educational program in the school in order to address the needs of struggling students. Frequent progress monitoring and assessment data is used to make instructional decisions.  High quality instruction and interventions that use proven and appropriate methods and materials are implemented. The plan is revised and evaluated each year with input from building parents, teachers, and administrators.  

What is a Targeted Assisted Title 1 Program?

At the beginning of each school year, a needs assessment determines which students would benefit most from Title I services.  It includes assessment data along with teacher and parent recommendation/agreement. Grade level expectations and objective criteria equitable to all students are analyzed to determine the type of intervention necessary for the student to master grade level skills.  

When and where does instruction take place? Who receives this intervention?

Title I students receive both in-class assistance or small group instruction from a highly qualified reading teacher.  Struggling readers are given more time for intervention or instruction in an attempt to close the achievement gap. Information on the level of achievement and academic growth of the student will be shared with the family.  Timely notice that the student has been assigned to services will be provided at the beginning of each year and/or selection timeline based on the building plan. Selection criteria is created and reviewed annually to determine who is eligible for services and most at risk for failing the state’s academic achievement standards.

What are reading interventions?

Reading interventions are proven and appropriate programs and methods designed to address the needs of struggling readers.  The goal of intervention is to stop reading failure so that students have equitable access to grade level curriculum. This is accomplished with additional reading instruction in addition to classroom reading instruction.

How can I involve parents?

Parent involvement is an essential part to the Title 1 Program and the overall goal of ESSA.  All parents with students participating in Title programs will be invited to informational meetings and school-wide events to promote parent-school collaboration.  Parents should have a voice in how funds are utilized and the development of your child’s intervention program. Conferences with teachers will be offered, in addition to a Compact that will be created and shared.  

  • The school and/or district will create a Parent Advisory Council (PAC) to determine program goals, evaluate the title programs, and determine appropriate parent involvement to access the district opportunities.

  • The district Parent Involvement Policy is po 2261.01. Please visit for all of the details of the Board of Education approved policy to set the expectation and establish a framework for parent involvement at each building and/or district level.  Parents will be notified of this policy and have an opportunity to provide feedback annually. 

What is a Parent-School Compact?

The Parent-School Compact shares the goals of the intervention program and the responsibilities of both parent and school necessary in the academic success for all students.  The Parent-School Compact is developed with input from both Title I teachers and parents and should be reviewed annually.  

What is the Parent Right to Know?

Part of the law requires that parents have the right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s teacher.  Parents may request the following:

  • Whether the teacher has met state qualifications and licensing criteria for the grade/subject levels for which the teacher provides instruction; whether the teacher is teaching under emergency/provisional status through with licensing has been waived; the degree major of the teacher and any other certification/degree held by the teacher; and whether the child is being serviced by a paraprofessional or other teacher without degree for 4 or more weeks.

  • Request for this information can be sent to your building principal and/or through the U.S. Department of Education Parental Involvement Site: or ODE Parental Involvement Resources:

How are Title funds utilized?

Title schools will provide parent-school collaboration to determine the best way to achieve student success.  Some of Title I money is used to fund family engagement opportunities, professional development for school/parents, home based programs, information dissemination, collaboration with community organizations, and/or other related activities.  

What is ELL?  How do children qualify?

English Language Learners (ELL) are students whose primary or home language is other than English who need special language assistance in order to effectively participate in school instructional programs.

To determine eligibility, see the Guidelines for the Identification of English Learners on the ODE website. The Lau Resource Center welcomes feedback about the guidelines by email to [email protected].

How are ELL services provided to students?

ELL students are provided assistance through Title services and/or inclusive push-in models.  The program is an immersion in English and utilizes a variety of instructional strategies that include individual academic assistance, small group tutoring, and regular classroom assistance.  For more information related to ELL services, contact the district’s Student Services office, building administrator and/or your building’s ELL teacher.  

What is the Homeless Act?

The purpose of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Children and Youth Program is to ensure that all children and youth, including preschoolers, have equal access to the same free and appropriate public education, as non-homeless children and youth. Information will be shared with teachers annually and made available to parents.  More information can be located at the Coalition of Homelessness and Housing in Ohio [COHHIO] website or link from ODE website or contact your building administrator.

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